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发布时间:2023-09-14 02:47:57



1. The first film

在英语中,最常见的表达方式是使用 “The first film”,例如:

"Gone with the Wind" is considered the first film in the history of American cinema.

2. The inaugural movie

“Inaugural”意为“首次的,最初的”,因此 “The inaugural movie”表示“电影第一部”,例如:

"The Great Train Robbery" is often regarded as the inaugural movie of the Western genre.

3. The debut film

“Debut”意为“首次亮相,初次登台”,因此,“The debut film”表示“电影第一部”,例如:

"Citizen Kane" is often referred to as the debut film of Orson Welles.

4. The initial motion picture

“Initial”意为“起始的,最初的”,因此,“The initial motion picture”表示“电影第一部”,例如:

"The Great Train Robbery" is considered the initial motion picture that introced narrative storytelling techniques.

5. The premiere cinematic proction

“Premiere”意为“首次公演,首映”,因此,“The premiere cinematic proction”表示“电影第一部”,例如:

"The Jazz Singer" is widely regarded as the premiere cinematic proction with synchronized sound.




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