A. 英语问题,以S T开头的单词,用来形容中国现状!加急加急!
steady,Socialism with Chinese characteristics(特色社会主义),
B. 从china daily 分析中国英语现状 英文怎么表达
An Analysis of (English) on the Basis of China Daily 原友慎文不明确,中国英语现状指什么,Chinglish还是English ecation in China或是其它?英文注重精确,中文的特点是笼统,不过既然要翻译,就要指出这笼统具体指什么,;还有,从China Daily你打算怎么分慧桐析,最好也说一下,不然翻出来的英语肯定怪怪的
C. 市场用英语怎么说代表着中国市场
stand for Chinese market代表着中国市场
D. 中国市场英文怎么说
market of China
China's market
Chinese market
E. 中国市场用英文怎么说比如要说进入中国市
F. 用英语描述中国市场
China, the fourth largest country in area after Russia, Canada and USA has experienced manifold changes in its economic system which has seen it become the second largest economy in the world after USA if measured on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) scale. But still considered as an emerging economy as per capita incomes fall in the lower-middle level, China is making its presence felt in the global stage by taking big strides in opening up its economy to international trade.
Essentially being a closed economy since the days of Mao Zedong, the Communist state of China experienced a transition from a planned economy to a market economy when Deng Xiaoping came to power in 1978. Since then, China has seen a more than ten fold increase in its GDP (Gross Domestic Proct) from that year. But the question still remains at large whether the Chinese economy has been able to shed off its previous image of excessive state controls and moved to a stage of total efficiency in its market economy.
A recent study showed that the Chinese economy has achieved a level of 73% marketization of its economy judged by the parameters perceived important by the USA and the European Union. The stability of the equity market and the stock exchange scenario, the interest rate and currency are some of the features that prove the country has been doing well on the economic front over the last quarter of a century. The increased autonomy given to the State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) and freeing them from the clutches of excessive government control is also a positive sign that the economy is picking up. That the domestic private enterprises are also doing well is evident from the fact that most of them are now listed in bourses in the cities of Shanghai and Shenzhen in southern China.
Another feature essential to the improved performance of the market economy in China has been the removal of monopoly from the traditionally government controlled sectors such as telecommunication, electricity supply, railway transportation and civil aviation and allowing for more domestic and foreign equity participation. Besides, the diversified banking system and sale of equity of state-run banks to foreign investors in international exchange and bond markets show that China is on path to rapid economic expansion.
附 参考资料
G. 英文翻译国内外现状
“国内外现状”的英文翻译是Domestic and international status quo~
H. 中国市场用英文怎么说
I. 国内市场情况英语怎么说
Situations of the domestic market
例句局橡:We should take into consideration situations of the domestic market.我们应该考虑国内桐数旁市场的情毕陆况。
J. “中国经济发展的现状及中国未来的经济发展”帮我把这句话翻译成英文,谢谢!
China's economic development and the status of China's future economic development