㈠ 我们每天的行程数据是否都被记录在数据库中记录多少天
㈡ 用 sqlserver 怎样查询出 数据表里 某月上班连续打卡15天的人
with data as ( select * from yourtable where date>='2013-11-01' and date<'2013-12-01')
select distinct name
from data t1 join data t2 on t1.name=t2.name and t1.date=t2.date+1
join data t3 on t2.name=t3.name and t2.date=t3.date+1
join data t4 on t3.name=t4.name and t3.date=t4.date+1
join data t5 on t4.name=t5.name and t4.date=t5.date+1
with t1(id,rq) as (
select distinct 人员, date from 表 where date>='2013-11-01' and date<'2013-12-01' ),
t2 as (select s2.* from t1 s1 join t1 s2 on s1.id=s2.id and s1.rq=s2.rq-1),
t3 as (select * from t1 except select * from t2),
t as (
select id,rq,1 days from t3
union all
select t1.id,t1.rq,t.days+1 from t1 join t on t1.id=t.id and t1.rq=t.rq+1
select id
from t
group by id
having max(days)>=5
order by id
with t as (
select 人员 id, date rq, 1 days from 表 t1
where not exists(select * from 表 t2 where t2.date=t1.date-1)
union all
select t1.id,t1.rq,t.days+1 from 表 t1 join t on t1.id=t.id and t1.rq=t.rq+1
select id
from t
group by id
having max(days)>=5
order by id