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發布時間:2024-01-03 04:42:51



1. How to say "film shooting location" in English?

The term "film shooting location" can be translated as "set" in English. For example, a famous shooting location like the Great Wall in China can be referred to as a "movie set" in English.

2. What is the English term for "movie set"?

The English term for "movie set" is "film set". It refers to the place where the filming takes place, including all the props, equipment, and scenery.

3. Translating "on set" to English

The phrase "on set" is commonly used in the film instry to refer to being at the location where the filming is taking place. It can be used to describe someone who is currently working on a film or someone who is present at the filming location.

4. Understanding the English phrase for "behind the scenes" in movies

The English phrase for "behind the scenes" in movies is "off-camera". It refers to the activities and work that happens behind the camera, such as the preparation, organization, and coordination of the film proction.

5. Exploring English expressions for "on location" ring film proction

"On location" is a term used to describe filming that takes place outside of a studio or soundstage. It refers to shooting at real places, such as famous landmarks, cities, or natural landscapes. It can also be used to indicate that a film is being shot in a specific location, away from the main proction base.




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