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㈠ 廣西南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣


南寧職業技術學院(Nanning College for Vocational Technology,NCVT)是由南寧市人民政府舉辦,自治區、南寧市共建的一所全日制綜合性高等職業院校。




以上內容參考 網路-南寧職業技術學院

㈡ 南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣

簡介:南寧職業技術學院前身為創建於1984年的南寧職業大學,是由南寧市人民政府舉辦、區市共建的一所全日制綜合性高等職業院校。2009年12月,學校通過教育部、財政部示範建設驗收,成為全國首批28所、廣西首家國家示範性高職院校。 Nanning College for Vocational Technology (NCVT), formerly Nanning Vocational University(in 1984), is under the management of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Nanning Municipal Government. As one of the first group of 28 colleges in the project of NationalModel HigherVocational College,and appraised by the inspection team from Ministry of Ecation and Ministry of Finance,NCVT is designated a National Demonstrative Vocational College in December 2009。 學校佔地面積130多公頃,校舍建築面積50餘萬平方米,學校全日制高職在校生16500多人,成人繼續教育學生3200多人。 The school covers an area of 130 hectares, including an accommodation area for student dormitories of 500,000 square meters. On campus, NCVT now serves 16,500 full-time students and 3,200 part-time students. 學校緊跟廣西及北部灣經濟的產業布局和結構調整來構建專業體系,開設有10個二級學院,60多個高職專業,其中室內設計技術、機電一體化技術、物流管理、酒店管理、應用泰國語、軟體技術等6個專業為國家示範重點專業。 Course designs are closely based on the demands of the instries involved and the development of the Guangxi Beibu Gulf area. Ten (10) different academic faculties offer sixty-three (60) available majors. Six academic teams for key majors and other related subjects have been set up for Interior Design Technology, Mechanical and Electronic Integration, Logistics Management, Hotel Management, Applied Thai Language, and Software Technology. 學校有國家級教學成果獎2項,國家級精品專業1個、國家級精品課程9門,是目前廣西唯一擁有國家級精品專業、唯一連續六年獲得國家級精品課程的高等院校。 For six consecutive years, Nanning College for Vocational Technology has been the only vocational college in Guangxi to be awarded the National Top Quality Curriculum Course Award. Recently the school was recognized for having two National Academic Achievement Awards,one National Top Quality Major and Nine National Top Quality Curriculum Course。 學校擁有一支由國家教學名師和國家優秀教學團隊為領軍人物的專兼職「雙師」素質教學團隊。有國家優秀教學團隊 1 個,國家教學名師 1 人;自治區教學名師2人,自治區優秀教學團隊7個。在編在崗教職員工510人,其中專任教師 333 人。 There are 510 staff members including 333 academic staffs. Among the outstanding staffs includes one number National Academic Distinguished Teacher,two number of Provincial Academic Distinguished Teachers, one national academic team andseven provincial academic teams. All academic teams are led by a top-level Distinguished Teacher to achieve the best teaching quality possible. 學校堅持「礪志、崇實、強技、尚新」的校訓,初步形成了「校政互動、校企互融、產學研創四位一體」的人才培養模式。 NCVT sets 「determination,practice,ability & creativity」 as the school motto, and the pattern for NCVT school-running is:Interactive in School Administration,Integration in School-Enterprise Cooperation,Four- in- One System of Proction, Teaching, Researching & Creation. 通過政府支持、社會融資、企業投入的多渠道形式,建立了以西班牙政府貸款項目建設的工業實訓中心為骨乾的六大校內生產性實訓基地,設備總值達1.2億元,為學生的職業技能素質培養構築了良好的基礎。 The college has set up six proctive training bases with investments from different fields including government funds, community funds, and enterprise funds. With the support of a Spanish government loan with a total value of 1.2 hundred million Yuan, a brand new practical use in-campus training base has been built. This area provides good training facilities for students to improve their vocational technology skills. 學校堅持開放辦學,與東盟國家12所高校簽訂了校際合作協議,與區內外10多所高職院校結成了對口支援關系,與 230多家行業骨幹、龍頭企業建立了合作關系。 NCVT has undertaken international exchange projects with 12 universities in ASEAN countries. Cooperative programs between the school and other 10 regional vocational colleges are in progress, and more than 230 well-known enterprises have established cooperative relationships with the school. 近年來畢業生就業率均在 95% 以上。建校至今,已為社會培養輸送10多萬名高技能應用型人才,為區域經濟建設和社會發展提供了有力的人才支持。 Total graates up to now have reached approximately 100,000 students, who enjoy a good reputation in all fields and these young talents have made their contribution for the society. In addition, in recent years, the graate employment rate has been up to 95%. 多年來,學校發展得到了教育部、自治區、南寧市各級領導、各級政府以及社會各界的大力支持,為學校的快速、健康、持續發展奠定了堅實的基礎。2008年12月,中共中央政治局委員、國務委員劉延東和有關部委領導到學校視察,稱贊學校辦學有特色,有成效,並勉勵學校要「成為職業教育事業發展的排頭兵!」 We hereby would like to extend our special thanks to the departments concerned. We appreciate the efforts of all administrative departments, the Ministry of Ecation, the regional sectors, and the Nanning Municipal Government. It is their earnest concern and financial support that have contributed to the success and fast growth of Nanning College for Vocational Technology.

㈢ 南寧職業技術學院好不好


㈣ 南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣

還不錯的,有個價值上億的西班牙投資的實訓工廠~而且離宿舍樓很近方便逃課,呵呵 我宿舍一哥們就是機電一體的,感覺還行! 希望對你有幫助~

㈤ 廣西 南寧職業技術學院到底怎麼樣




㈥ 南寧賽口學校是公辦的嗎


㈦ 南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣


㈧ 南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣



㈨ 南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣


㈩ 南寧職業技術學院怎麼樣 是騙人學校!



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