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發布時間:2022-01-27 16:53:36

A. 信芙泉產品定購電話

ABC Digital,(Dear Sirs) We are in receipt of your quote and sample of the digital cameras. We like your quote and proct quality. We would like to order 1,000 sets (spec…) at $199 each, FOB, New York, with the total of $199,000, to be shipped to us by August 31st 2012. We would propose a payment term, 50% for the bill of lading and 50% e 30 days after our receipt of the delivery. Please kindly confirm this order at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

B. 信芙泉是尚道旗下品牌

咨詢記錄 · 回答於2021-10-08

C. 富源集團的美容產品怎麼樣,信芙泉產品真的好嗎




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