導航:首頁 > 產品生產 > 正確使用電子產品用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2023-06-30 05:56:15

❶ 英語高手求翻譯

We should use less electronic procts.
electronic procts have effects over people.
We should use electronic procts reasonally.
We now use electronic procts anywhere and anytime.

❷ 如何正確使用手機英語作文怎麼寫

How can we use mobile phones properly? First of all, we should put an end to browsing on the network, watching bad information, browsing uncivilized documents and other behaviors. The information on the Internet is mixed and can lead us astray if we are not careful.

Therefore, we should establish a correct concept of right and wrong and choose to read some information beneficial to our physical and mental health development, such as news facts, elegant entertainment newspapers and so on.

Secondly, we do: moderate use of mobile phones, mobile phone use time can not exceed an hour a day. After using the mobile phone, you should have eye massage to relax your eyes so that you can protect your eyes and finish your work and study tasks with more energy.

The correct use of smart phone, is a kind of technology, but also an art, learn, by the "machine" benefit for life; Can't learn, by a "machine" harm life.

Let us start from ourselves, together to create a good social atmosphere, so that smartphones can give us the greatest benefits they can give!










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