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發布時間:2023-06-02 01:17:53

❶ 關於推銷商品的英文情景對話

Do you like this model ? 你喜歡這款嗎? What would you like ? 你喜歡什麼樣的? What goods will you order? 你想訂什麼樣的貨? How do you pack them? 你想怎樣包裝它的? The style is out of stock ? 這款沒貨! How do you like this color? 你覺得這顏色怎樣? Take your time ! 請隨便看! We have some special offers ! 我們有一些特價產品! We have ready stock ! 我們有現貨! The quantity is too small ! 這個數量太少了! Can you order more ! 能不能訂多點呢? It is our latest model ! 這個是新款! It is up to date style! 這是新貨(新款)! It's high qullity 這是好的質量! It's well-made ! 質量很好! This is class one ! A級貨! Sorry! the price is fixed ! 對不起!一口價! This is the best price ! 這是最低價! This is the last offer! 這是最低報價! The goods are not available! 那貨還沒准備好! We have a rush on this model ! 這貨很暢銷! The material is very expensive ! 現在面料很貴! It's very hard to make 做工很難! How many pieces would you like to order ? 你要多少數量? May I know what items you are intersted in ? 我可以知道你對哪個產品感興趣嗎?This order will be delayed ! 這個單要推遲! I will deliver the order tomorrw! 我明天可以幫你送貨! Where would you like us to deliver the goods! 把貨送到哪裡呢? When will you deliver the goods ? 什麼時候要送貨? I promise, have stock a few day later ! 我保證!過幾天就有貨! We can deliver the goods in end of this month ! 我們能在月底交貨! We can deliver the goods in 15 days ! 我們能在15天內交貨! Because our factory is too busy , can we deliver the goods later ? 因為工廠比較忙,我們能不能遲點交貨? If this color is not available, would you like another one ? 如果這顏色沒有,其它的行嗎? The order is too small , we can't afford delivery ! 這個定單太小,我們負擔不了那費用! We will try our best to deliver it ASAP ! 我們會盡快交貨! Hope you will come again next time ! 希望你下次再光臨! Hope to see you again ! 希望再見到你! Hope you will be our business partener ! 希望你成為我們合作的夥伴! Make sure you will sign on the order ! 務必在定單上簽名! cash on delivery! 交貨付款! C.O.D is our usual way ! 交貨付款是我們通常的方式! Take care of you belonging ! 請看好你的財物! How can I reach you?我怎麼聯系你呢? Enjoy your trip ! 旅途愉快

❷ 關於推銷產品的英語短文

Your name has been given by... and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines.

We are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed...

We are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of...

You will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new proct.

You will be interested in our new proct...

❸ 如何用英語向客戶推銷產品




Jennifer要帶加拿大客戶Bob Mckenzie先生和Andrea Lloyd小姐參觀公司的新產品。他當然要藉此機會大力推銷這項新開發成功的商品。如何利用短短一兩分鍾的時間最大吸引對方的興趣,得要事先花費一番心思了!

Mr. Mckenzie, Mr. Lloyd, let me take you to our showroom. I think youll be interested in seeing some of our latest innovations in microwave ovens.

This is Actions pride and joy, the Kitchen Master. Its only a prototype but its a prime example of our future line of smart procts. We are all very excited about this oven. In trial runs, this proct has performed very well.

Its main design feature, and key selling point, is the "Correct Cook" option, which uses a sensor to see if the dish has been properly cooked through and through. Basically, "Correct Cook" makes it virtually impossible to over or under cook food. You wont find this feature in any other microwaves.

You must admit this type of feature will appeal to the many microwave users in the West. We at Action are convinced that smart procts like the Kitchen Master are the wave of the future.






pride and joy 最讓人引以為傲的人(事或物)

這是口語用詞。當你覺得某個人的表現、或某件事物讓你感到驕傲和高興,而且可以拿出來炫耀的,都可以說是你的"pride and joy"。

My departments pride and joy has to be its latest award for proctivity and efficiency.


smart proct 智能型產品


Germany is leading the way in procing and marketing smart procts.


trial run (新產品的)試用;測試


We were very disappointed with the results from the new cars first trial run.


selling point 賣點


But, sir, I cannot sell a proct that has no obvious selling points. Thats impossible!


wave of the future 未來的潮流;趨向


As far as Im concerned, economic, not military power, is the wave of the future.




1. Mr. Mckenzie, let me take you to our showroom.

2. How about taking a look at our latest procts in our showroom?

3. If you have time, Id like to take you to our showroom.

與客戶討論告一段落後,可轉移話題,提議另一件事:新產品。用語以"Let me…","How about"或"If…, Id like to…"表示禮貌性的建議。


1. Its only a prototype, but its a prime example of our future line of smart procts.

2. This oven is just an example, but its going to be our future line of smart procts.

3. This model hasnt been marketed yet, but we know its going to be a top-seller.

在參觀者看到產品之前,宜先說明該產品目前的狀況。所使用的句子,前半部可先說稍有疑慮的一面(例如它只是個初步的樣品,尚未正式生產),接著再強調好的一面。主要句型的結構是"Its only…, but its…"。


1. Basically, "Correct Cook" makes it virtually impossible to over or under cook food.

2. Essentially, "Correct Cook" is mistake-proof.

3. The bottom line here is that "Correct Cook" is mistake-proof.


● 吸引用戶

1. You must admit this type of feature will appeal to the many microwave users in the West.

2. You have to agree that this feature will appeal to the many users of microwaves in the West.

3. I think you have to acknowledge that this feature will appeal to the many users of microwaves in the West.

此段應直接指出這項產品的功能,因為這對將來要銷售這項產品的兩位客戶,是最具說服力的。句型用"You must admit…",不但加強說服力,而且讓對方難以反駁。



1. 邀看產品


2. 其優缺點


3. 強調特性


4. 產品潛力



1.本產品適用於:This will appeal to...

在為某種產品做廣告時非常有用的一個句型。把這個句型背下來的 (1:英語口語中會很有用。



A Then perhaps we can promote it at sporting events.

2.我們的主要消費人群為……:Our main target is...

介紹產品銷售對象用「main target」這個片語,以「our main target is 為開頭來做廣告,馬上就可以開始一段很精彩的商務對話。相似的句型為 service is mainly targeted."」。



Our main target is housewives.

3.我們把放在上:We focus on...




That seems like a good plan.

4.市場調查顯示...:Market research shows...

匯報市場調査結果時,需要在「market research」或者「market survey" 後接上「show」這個詞來闡明調査結果。



Market research shows that there are 300,000

5.我們會在……做廣告:We'll advertise...

如例句所示,在通報市場調査結果及廣告手段時,可以在動詞「advertise」 後接 "local radio」 「online」 「on the subway」 及 「in all the major papers」 等,這是個經典句型。



We advertise in several different newspapers and magazines.


❹ 用英語介紹產品的短句有

1. 【用英語介紹一個產品用英語介紹一個新的產品,要有漢語翻譯,20

Now let us take a look at this proct.this proct was made from (material name) ,which has special construction and advantage.Ok,I start to demonstrate it performance.you can use it at。

,this proct will help you 。.Our company has been developed this kind of procts for several years.and its price is feasible.I hope this proct will bring more benefits to you.If you have any question,please let me answer now.現在讓我們看看這個新產品,這個產品是用的XX材料,這種材料有特殊的構造和優勢.好的,我開始給大家演示它的性能,你可以在。

情況下用它 ,這個產品可以幫你干.我公司這幾年一直開發這類產品.它的價格很合理,我希望這個產品能帶來更多好處給你.如果你有什麼問題,請現在向我提問,我當場回答.。

2. 關於產品介紹和推銷的英語作文萬能語句

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest proct of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.

Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software

3. 用英語介紹一種產品

he Importance of Electricity

When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic lights don't

work,the traffic jam will certainly happen.A patient needs to be operated on at

once.What will happen if the operation cannot be made because of the

electricity.Without electricity,we can neither watch TV,listen to the tape,nor

chat on line.Electricity is closely related to our daily life.

4. 介紹公司及產品的英語作文帶翻譯

I think the teachers' working attitude and the concern to the students should also be equally important .Because the teachers will be active in their teaching only if he likes his work and the students .What's more ,if the teachers can show the concern to the students ,they will be encouraged to study hard, which will have a good effect on the students' study.So not only should the teachers have a good knowledge but also they should have an active working attitude and the concern to the students.。

5. 關於產品介紹的英語作文,300字

Nowadaya many people believe in luck. They believe it in love, in tests, promotions, etc. I think of luck in many respects. It does not come alone. Luck and opportunity go hand in hand with hard work and knowledge.

I wan once assigned to work deep in the mountain. Being from a poor family, friendless and having no influential relative to rely on, I cursed my luck and let myself drift aimlessly and idled my time away until one day I realizcd that I could better myself by working bard at my lessons and excel in academic studies. Unsatisfied with my surroundings, I could not sleep at night. Listening to the sound of water rushing down the mountain, I felt I must keep going on just like the water. So I used to get up and read early in the morning when it was still dark and quiet. While others were sleeping soundly, I was already up in my study, reading.

Hard work is rewarding. entrance cxamlnatlon came, I took it without hesitation. As a result, I distinguished myself in the test. New I am at college, majoring in my favorite subject, Enghsh.

I think luck is nowhere to be found but

6. 用英語介紹一個產品

he is a good student, he deeply loves the study, her very clever caritas plays the computer, is i best friend, he has the short hair, medium stature.

he was a good student, he loves studying, playing computer she is very clever, are my best friend, he has short hair and of medium build.

❺ 如何用英語向客戶介紹產品


This is the model I was interested in.
這就是我所感興趣的那種樣式. 羅伯特先生:
I should be very happy to give you any further information you need on it.
我很樂意提供您所需要的關於它的進一步的信息. 卡爾先生:
Yes.What are the specifications?
好的.都有哪些規格呢? 羅伯特先生:
If I may refer you to the brochure you'll find all the specifications there.
如果您看一下這個手冊.就會找到所有的規格. 卡爾先生:
Ah, yes. Now what about service life?

Our tests indicate that this model has a service life of at least four years.
我們的實驗表明這種樣式至少可以使用4年. 卡爾先生:
Is that an average figure for this type of equipment?
那是這種樣式的平均水平嗎? 羅伯特先生:
Oh no. far from it.That's about one year longer than any other make in its price range.

Now what happens if something goes wrong when we're using it?
如果這種設備在我們使用的時候發生故障.該怎麼辦呢? 羅伯特先生:
If that were to happen.please contact our nearest agent and he`ll send someone round immediately.

❻ 商務英語口語如何介紹產品

商務英語 是以適應 職場 生活的語言要求為目的,內容涉及到商務活動的方方面面。下面我為大家帶來商務 英語口語 如何介紹產品,歡迎大家學習!





2.商務 英語情景對話

A:How's your proct better than the competitors?

你們的產品與其他競爭者相比有何優勢?competitor 競爭者

B:We can offera superior proct at the same price as our competitors' proct.

我們可以在同等價格下提供更好的產品質。at the same price 同等價位

A:Are there other selling points?

其他賣點呢? selling points 賣點

B:The design is cute and colorful.80 year olds would like it.


A:Whatsize can you make?


B:At your request,


A:How about its quality?


B:We guarantee its quality.We provide a good after-sale service.

我們保證質量,並承諾優良的售後服務。guarantee 擔保

A:We only handle the best proct.


B:We always sell the best!


A:Great! Will you please send me your catalon together with arange of pamphlets for my reference?


catalog目錄 pamphlets小冊子 reference參考





Please take a look at the samples. They will give you a brief account of our company.


These are our latest design/model/technology/size.


One of the special features of this proct is that it's designed to coruserve energy.



I hope you'II place some orders after you see our displays.


Well, let me see. We still have some important things to discuss.


You mean the price. Our goods are sold at the lowest price.



As far as I know, no one else is procing these items.


This proct represents the development trend for the next decade.


This proct will pay its own way/back your investment in two years.



Let me show you how to operate this machine,


Our demonstration will show you how these procts work.



Sir,this is your warranty certificate.


This type of machine has a three year guarantee free of charge.


We'll make the telephone back-visiting.



fast color 永不褪色

high power-saving 強勁省電

fully automatic 全自動

non-toxic 無毒

agility 靈活性

finely processed 加工精細

enjoy high reputation 享有盛譽

brand share 品牌佔有率

complete in specifications 規格齊全

sophisticated technology 工藝精良


❼ 怎樣用英文向老外電話推銷和介紹產品~

Hello there. I'd like to take a few minutes of your time and offer you an amazing deal. I'm the sales representative of xxx company. Our company is currently offering a promotion on laptops. These are some deals you don't want to miss. Our procts are priced 20% below the market average price, and we are offering you additional accessories for free.




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