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『壹』 qt中如何運行外部程序,QProcess類

QT中使用QProcess啟用外部程序 啟用外部程序,並可傳參,默認第一個參數是exe路徑!啟動外部程序的方法有以下兩種: 1、start()void QProcess::start ( const QString & program, const QStringList & arguments, OpenMode mode = ReadWrite ) Starts the program program in a new process, passing the command line arguments in arguments. The OpenMode is set to mode. QProcess will immediately enter the Starting state. If the process starts successfully,QProcess will emit started(); otherwise, error() will be emitted.Note that arguments that contain spaces are not passed to the process as separate arguments.Windows: Arguments that contain spaces are wrapped in quotes.Note: Processes are started asynchronously, which means the started() and error() signals may be delayed. Call waitForStarted() to make sure the process has started (or has failed to start) and those signals have been emitted.See also pid(), started(), and waitForStarted(). 2、使用QProcess::execute(), 不過使用此方法時程序會最阻塞直到此方法執行的程序結束後返回,這時候可使用QProcess和QThread這兩個類結合使用的方法來處理,以防止在主 線程中調用而導致阻塞的情況 先從QThread繼承一個類,重新實現run()函數: 答:1、使用QProcess::startDetached()方法,啟動外部程序後立即返回; 2、使用QProcess::execute(),不過使用此方法時程序會最阻塞直到此方法執行的程序結束後返回,這時候可使用QProcess和QThread這兩個類結合使用的方法來處理,以防止在主線程中調用而導致阻塞的情況 先從QThread繼承一個類,重新實現run()函數:Quote:class MyThread : public QThread{public:void run(); };void MyThread::run(){QProcess::execute("notepad.exe");



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