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發布時間:2022-02-08 14:14:05

1. 跳蚤市場翻譯成英文怎麼說啊


2. 求跳蚤市場的英文描寫

My most wonderful childhood remembrance is of hunting for mushrooms and wild strawberries with my pals in the woods of northern Italy.1 The nearest I get to that experience in my alt years is when I go shopping at a good flea market.2 Whether in London, Paris or at a rural antique fair, an addictive adrenaline surge is triggered when I discover an architectural fragment I know can be converted into a headboard, or when I come across an old sea chest that, with some paint and polish, can be made to work as a coffee table.3 The only moment that compares —at least in memory — is finding a rare species of wild mushroom. It's important to point out that spotting a beautifully exotic item won't proce that special feeling unless I can instantly envision the new use to which it will be put.4 In truth it took quite a while, but I finally learned to practice self-discipline when browsing at flea markets.5 For many years I accumulated all sorts of interesting objects and stowed them away for the day when I was sure they'd come in handy.6 Well, guess what? My closets, basement and attic got more and more cluttered7, but that day never did come. It's that time again: sunny days are upon us, and flea markets and antiques sales wait. Old pieces with great potential abound8 —all you have to do is spot them. But wait a moment, I just got something to tell you before you plunge into9 it. That will help make your hunt more fruitful. Believe it or not, you'll definitely be inspired. Keep an open mind. You may not come away with the things that were on your list, but that's the beauty of the hunt: you never know what you'll find. If you didn't find a particular item this week, don't despair — chances are you'll find it next time. Know when to walk away. Sometimes playing the cool, uninterested browser will get you a better deal on an item, but don't be too coy.10 If you see something you like, buy it — there may not be a second chance on a one-of-a-kind find. Know how to negotiate. Although haggling over a price is part of the experience, an offer that's too low is insulting.11 Vendors will often lower the marked price by about 10 per cent. Buying several items from one vendor and giving them regular business will get you a better deal. Know who to buy from. This is a well-kept secret among flea-market gurus12: you're more likely to get a deal on items that aren't part of a vendor's regular supply. Vendors sometimes pick up odd items to add to the mix and may be more willing to part with them for less money.13 Have cash on hand. Cash is always the most powerful negotiating tool and best method of payment. Most vendors won't accept cheques or credit cards. Small bills make it easier when you're haggling a sale. Markets in rural areas have ATM machines nearby, but field markets usually don't. Be aware that prices often prove more negotiable when vendors learn you'll be paying with cash rather than with a credit card. Anyway, a flea market is an interesting place to visit if you want to buy something or if you want to buy nothing. It consists of an open space filled with indivial vendors selling used or almost new merchandise, as well as proce, paintings and crafts. Approach your acquaintances14 or public library for the location of the nearest flea market and for the days and hours it is open. Don't be surprised if you find the very thing you have been looking for! You may wish to set up your own table at the flea market if you would like to sell toys, books and items that you no longer use. It will be another kind of pleasure. Now it's your turn to go and find out. 1. 我最奇妙的童年回憶就是在義大利北部的森林裡和夥伴們一起找蘑菇和野草莓。 2.長大後我覺得與那種經歷最接近的就是到一個好的跳蚤市場里買東西。 3.不管是在倫敦、巴黎,還是在鄉村的舊貨集市上,每次當我發現一個能夠改裝成床頭板的建材邊角料,或碰到一個噴點兒漆、磨磨光就能製成咖啡桌的舊水手櫃的時候,那種抑制不住的興奮就被引發出來了。adrenaline:(突發性的)一陣興奮、刺激因素。 4. 需要指出的是,僅僅看到一件美麗新奇的物品並不會讓我衍生出那種特別的感覺, 除非我能夠突然想到它會派上什麼新用場。 5.實際上,我花了相當長的時間後才最終學會在跳蚤市場逡巡時進行自我控制。browse:隨便觀看,瀏覽。 6.多年來我收集了各種各樣好玩的東西,並把它們儲備起來,等著我認為它們可以發揮作用的那一天。come in handy:派得上用處。 7. clutter:使凌亂,塞滿。 8. abound:大量存在。 9. plunge into:縱身投入,進入。 10.有時候採取冷靜、漠然的態度會使你以更低的價格買下某件東西,但是注意:不要太靦腆了。 11.討價還價是逛跳蚤市場的一部分,但過低的還價則算無禮了。 12. guru:專家,權威。 13. 商販們偶爾會在各種各樣的商品中加入一些雜七雜八的東西(不經常賣的、偶爾有的),他們更願意以較低的價格出售這些東西。part with:賣掉(尤指賤賣)。 14. acquaintance: 相識的人,熟人。

3. 跳蚤市場用英文怎麼說

flea market
A market, usually held outdoors, where antiques, used household goods, and curios are sold.


Second-hand market,眾所周知就是二手貨市場。那麼老外將second-hand market稱為什麼呢?告訴大家吧,就是跳蚤市場的直譯英語:flea market。flea跳蚤。Market市場。連起來就是跳蚤市場。

為什麼要把二手貨市場稱為跳蚤市場呢?原來,早期的英國人經常將自己的舊衣服、舊東西在街上賣,而那些舊的東西里時常會有跳蚤、虱子等小蟲子。聽上去是不是很嚇人啊?逐漸地,人們就將這樣賣舊貨的地方叫做flea market。而我們中國人呢,也就將直譯成了跳蚤市場。

感覺是不是非常的形象呢?當然現在的跳蚤市場是不會有小蟲子出現的,請大家千萬不要擔心,放心去flea market購物吧!

4. 如何給跳蚤市場取英文名

Super-Insects Market

5. 跳蚤市場的英文是什麼

Flea market

6. 明天這個時候有個跳蚤市場英語

There is a flea market on the Wenming road in the central of city.
The trading hour of this market is from 8pm to 12pm.
I almost go there three times per month.
I just buy some clothes every time in there,because the clothes are very cheap

7. 跳蚤市場的英語

你好。跳蚤市場 翻譯成英語是:flea market。


8. 跳蚤市場的英語怎麼說

你好,跳蚤市場 flea market

9. 上個星期六的跳蚤市場英文怎麼說

A flea market last Saturday.

10. 二手市場為什麼又叫跳蚤市場



跳蚤市場的起源一般被認為是在法國巴黎北面近郊Seine-Saint-Denis,聖-圖安的Marché aux puces市場。一個龐大,歷史悠久的戶外市集,是巴黎4個市集之一。跳蚤之名源自市場售賣的,被跳蚤感染的衣服等物品。從17世紀後期開始,戶外市集已經成形,在一些臨時檔口及長台上,一些拾荒者把收集到的故衣以廉價賣出。時至今日,最大的古董跳蚤市場仍然可在聖-圖安找到。





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