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❶ 個人信息泄露的影響及保護的重要性的英語作文

Personal information is a person's business card, is the most pelling data showing a person to others. With the development of our modern civilization, we are also facing divulge personal information crisis. Whether many are at risk of possible leaks from the neork, munication, training courses and counseling. With a large stride to advance information technology, the Inter is increasingly being an integral part of our lives. The rise of search engines, shopping sites, job forums, social platforms, greatly enrich and facilitate our work and life. However, what follows are a variety of harassing phone calls, messages, e-mail, regardless of time, place land flooded in front of us, to a quiet life overshadowed by unrest. In addition, the lack of clear legal protection of personal information refinement, coupled with some of the instry staff departing from the basic ethics, driven by the interests under the illegal sale of personal information such acts continue to occur, thereby incing a fraud, theft and other crimes and invasion of privacy, spreading rumors and even personal attacks and other illegal activities, not only endanger the national security, social stability, but also bring great distress to the public and sometimes irrelevant personal information leakage, but if an incident occurs serious cases: for example, the recent neork A message on the report, we need to focus on. November 16 morning, Fengtai District, more than primary school teachers Caoqiao parents received calls asking if their own children were taken to hospital. It is understood that several parents were received claiming to be familiar with the school teacher's phone, saying the children in the hospital. Fortunately parents more vigilant, after verification that the other is a liar, has not fooled. Currently, parents have the alarm. But prevention is on the one hand, we also need to increase the responsible person crackdown. It should not just punish the economy, more needs attention is the offender's control and ecation, especially ideological ecation is to change the premise. We can munity, Subdistrict units of publicity for the protection of personal information, so that the residents of this attention problems. So as to prevent further development.


Today, a question about the 2010 U.S. Census. EarthSky Facebook friend, Diana de la Llata asked: 「How does the Census count homeless people and immigrants who might be afraid of being deported?」 To find out, we asked Mark Mather, Associate Vice President of the Population Reference Bureau. He told us how census workers count people who are homeless.Mark Mather: The main method they're using is to take a while to shelters and to the people who are providing services to the homeless in order to collect information about the homeless population. They also do go out to designated street locations and try to count people who are living on the street. And for those who they don't identify in designated locations, they have these places they called 「Be Counted」 centers trying to get people to e in and fill out their forms.


Cease Your Hunting for Privacy In recent years,many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private life of film stars,pop singers or even some famous political figures.Reporters disguise their identities,infiltrate the subjects' business and family,or even bug and wiretap them to get the firsthand news by whatever means nec Their single motive is to raise the publication and hence a huge profit by means of satisfying the readers' curiosity in the name of "people's right to know." However,at the same time,the bad effects they bring to the famous people,the public readers and even the whole society are countless.Standing in the shoes of those exposed people,you'll find out that their legal right of privacy is deprived by such press attention.What awaits them is severe injury.To escape the hunters,Catherine Zeta Jones,when conceiving her second child,had to pay millions of dollars in avoiding cameras of those who illegally broke in,the result of which is that the other day when she got up,the reports titled "Catherine spent six million dollars..." dramatically appeared on the front page of all news What a ridicule!The reporters' ability to hunt privacy turns out endless nigares of the famous who are under the pressure of public media and suddenly bee sensitively cautious or easily raged,being afraid of losing their reputation and receiving accidental insults.Compared with Princess Diana who was famous and popular at the cost of her young,beautiful life,should Catherine say "Thank you?" Thanks to whom?To theprivacy hunters,the public media,the social phenomena caused by newspapers and magazincs; feature stories,or maybe all of us who are misled by such media?With our curiosity to others' privacy wrongly aroused,our taste of culture and life is on the decrease,our passion transferred from our own life and career.What's worse,we eventually bee the acplices who join in the vicious cycles of the whole enterprise.At least o main victims suffer in the hunting.And the third is no doubt the whole society who bears all kinds of losses,from the suicide of the young talented actress to the give up of new stars in scientific field who intended to devote their brilliance to the whole world.Even the prime minister of Britain is recently bothered by the "scandal" of his wife.As a result,he fails to deal efficiently with the national events.To avoid such tragedies,hunters,please cease your illegal photography,and your dangerous hunting for privacy.


Smartphone Apps May Share Info with AdvertisersA lot of *** artphone apps can help you out if you let them access your phone's GPS. But even if you give permission, do you know everything they're doing with that information?Some puter scientists wanted to find out. So they modified the Android mobile phone platform to tag all data apps sent from the phone. Then they randomly selected 30 of the most popular Android apps, choosing only ones that require access to the Inter and access to the phone's GPS, camera or microphone. And they played with them, all while tracking the data each app sent out.Turns out 15—half the apps—sent the phone's location to third-party advertisers. Two apps did present user agreements—but they said nothing about sending that data. And a third of the apps revealed the phone's unique ID, sometimes along with the phone number and SIM card serial number. The findings will be presented at an uping USENIX Symposium. [William Enck et al., TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones]The researchers won't say which apps mitted the worst offenses. But there's a good chance you could have some of the apps on your *** artphone. And if one of them asks for your location, you can opt to have it mind its own business instead of yours.


What is the best selling paper in the world? The answer is amusement newspaper. When people are having a chat, they always talk about the celebrity, it has bee part of our life. People like to chase after the famous person, they even treat them as their idols, as fans, they want to know everything about their idols. So the journalists like to peep at the celebrity's private life, they want to expose everything about them, so the paper can sell more. As celebrities, they condemn the journalists' behavior, they call on the public to give them more private space. Though they are celebrities, they should have space, the public should let them take a breath. When they are in the public, the journalists can shot whatever they want, while the celebrity goes home, the journalists should not follow celebrities any more, because they are off work.什麼是世界上最好的報紙?答案是娛樂報紙。








怎樣看待明星的隱私 英語作文

How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest你怎樣看待選美比賽?How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest你怎樣看待選美比賽?The collection of the beauty just only have one implied rules,that means:Not any meaning.If you were go to the collection of the beauty,you need pay your youngth to mpany with a rich person.He will pay more money to raise you.You will have more money.But actually,o or three years later,he will change girlfriend.And you also need to live with their together.選美比賽就只是一個隱性的規則,那個意思表明:沒有更多的意義。






If I have a girl,she is beautiful,I don't like her go to collection of beauty.But if she really want to do that,I also will support her.如果我有一個女兒,她很漂亮,我不喜歡她去選美。


According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English,frustration,by definition,means the feeling of being upset or annoyed,especially because of inability to change or achieve something.Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling,some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people.They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental health problems .People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide,which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole societyHowever,others hold a different view.They maintain that it is rather beneficial to people.It goes side by side with success.It inspires people to overe hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success.People with this view even go so far as to say that no frustration,no success.They often cite Thomas Edison as a case in point....

轉載請註明出處 » 個人信息泄露的影響及保護的重要性的英語作文

❷ 網路時代如何保護自己隱私英語作文30詞

Cease Your Hunting for Privacy
In recent years,many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private life of film stars,pop singers or even some famous political figures.
Reporters disguise their identities,infiltrate the subjects' business and family,or even bug and wiretap them
to get the firsthand news by whatever means nec
Their single motive is to raise the publication and hence a huge profit by means of satisfying the readers' curiosity in the name of "people's right to know." However,at the same time,the bad effects they bring to the famous people,the public readers and even the whole society are countless.
Standing in the shoes of those exposed people,you'll find out that their legal right of privacy is deprived by such press attention.What awaits them is severe injury.To escape the hunters,Catherine Zeta Jones,when conceiving her second child,had to pay millions of dollars in avoiding cameras of those who illegally broke in,the result of which is that the other day when she got
up,the reports titled "Catherine spent
six million dollars..." dramatically appeared on the front page of all news
What a ridicule!The reporters' ability to hunt privacy turns out endless nightmares of the famous who are under the pressure of public media and suddenly become sensitively cautious or easily raged,being afraid of losing their reputation and receiving accidental insults.Compared with Princess Diana who was famous and popular at the cost of her young,beautiful life,should Catherine say "Thank you?"
Thanks to whom?To theprivacy hunters,the public media,the social phenomena caused by newspapers and magazincs; feature stories,or maybe all of us who are misled by such media?With our curiosity to others' privacy wrongly aroused,our taste of culture and life is on the decrease,our passion transferred from our own life and career.What's worse,we eventually become the accomplices who join in the vicious cycles of the whole enterprise.
At least two main victims suffer in the hunting.
And the third is no doubt the whole society who bears all kinds of losses,from the suicide of the young talented actress to the give up of new stars in scientific field who intended to devote their brilliance to the whole world.Even the prime minister of Britain is recently bothered by the "scandal" of his wife.As a result,he fails to deal efficiently with the national events.
To avoid such tragedies,hunters,please cease your illegal photography,and your dangerous hunting for privacy.

❸ 個人信息泄露與隱私保護作文提綱

《個人信息保護法》已進入立法進程。《個人信息保護法信喚尺》(專家建議稿)負責人、中國社鏈亮會科學院研究員、博士生導師周漢華就法規出台後,個人信息如泄露,公民能通過哪些途徑維權提出建議。 周漢華說:有三種方式可以解決:第一,通過民事方式,尋求保護和賠償,還可滑高到法院打官司;第二,通過行政方式,我們建議政府建立一個專門的保護機構,由這個機構來執行此項法律,對泄露個人信息者進行行政制裁;第三,通過刑事方式,對違反《個人信息保護法》又觸犯刑律的,追究相應的刑事責任。 周漢華還對公民應如何有效保護個人信息提幾點建議:個人信息最好的保護者是自己。在信息社會,人與人之間必須進行信息的交流交換,我們應在交流中保持自我保護意識。另外,技術上應該對網路的個人信息採取必要的保護措施,如密碼保護,安裝專門的防盜軟體等。其次,要有法律維權的意識。侵犯個人信息的人,經常只是貪圖薄利,給個人造成的損失也較小,當事人不去追究的現象很普遍。同時,一些人沒有認識到自己信息的重要性,覺得打你的電話無所謂。但信息販子把你的家庭住址、銀行存款、簡訊內容都告訴別人,你就不會不在乎了。 所以,公民應該勇於拿起法律武器維護自己的合法權利,為自己維權的同時也是在為大家維權。

❹ 《怎樣保護好自己的個人信息安全》作文,100字~300字




❺ 保護學生個人隱私作文800字







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